
Hello there, I’m Kirstie, welcome to my website where I share delicious, (mostly) healthy recipes, self-care hacks and health tips with you. 

I’m a big lover of plant-based eating (although I’ve not always eaten this way, so some of my older recipes don’t quite fit in there!), saving the planet and encouraging fellow Mothers to look after themselves. 

I’m passionate about creating recipes that everyone can enjoy so many of the ones I post are gluten free, vegan and refined sugar free.

When I’m not in the kitchen or thinking about food, I’m teaching Computer Science to Home Educated kids or fantasising about napping! 

profile photo of Kirstie Anne, I'm wearing glasses and smiling, I have mid-length brown hair and a rainbow  necklace

Find me on Facebook and Instagram

Eat like you love yourself, move like you love yourself, speak like you love yourself, act like you love yourself. Inspirational quote graphic from Kirstie Anne Wellbeing